Join Mayume, Intuitive Spiritual Medium and Manjeet, Intuitive Life Coach, as they liven up the air with some powerful topics and enlightening conversations! They unite those who use their intuition as a guide in their everyday life by sharing personal stories, strategies, tips and tools for all who want to better connect with the Universe and one another …They believe “there’s a Lightworker within all of us.” So listen in on the laughter as they bring all of us together on this spiritual journey. Lightworkers, UNITE. #mayumenmanjeet
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Show 107: Join us LIVE! Lightworkers Unite Sister Circles and an Evening with Spirit
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Mayume n' Manjeet dive deep into their very exciting new events! Their Lightworkers Unite Sister Circles (L.U.S.C-ious Events) annnnnd what's really exciting is their "Evening with Spirit," in which the ladies will provide Readings to a live audience (over Zoom) and connect with Spirit...aka: Angels, Spirit Guides and departed loved ones for guidance, insight, healing and love. These events are all coming up soon - so please click the link below and to get all the information about how to join Mayume n' Manjeet!
Please Subscribe, Rate and Review Lightworkers Unite to get others listening to this podcast.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Show 106: Laughing Your Way Through Overwhelm with Radical Self-Care
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
**WARNING** This episode may bring about sudden hysterical laughter... in honor of VALENTINES DAY and all the love... Mayume n' Manjeet start off the show with talks of feeling overwhelmed, unfocused, sluggish and run down. How are you feeling about all the feels these days and where you're at in your journey? and do you notice the cycle of Doing and Being...? Honor what your body might need you to do; rest, sleep, slow down... and remember that it's okay to honor the "Being" cycle and give yourself permission to practice your Self-Care, however that looks like for you! When we are in Overwhelm, that means our cup is empty and the ladies talk about some of the ways you can pull yourself out and into a space where you can breathe again. Mayume n' Manjeet are here for you!! and in this episode, you will most definitely feel a shift as they bring LIGHT into your space with a sh*t ton of laughter and love... ENJOY!
Don't forget to Subscribe, Rate and Review to help Mayume n' Manjeet be seen and heard in all parts of the world. @mayumenmanjeet
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Show 105: MEDITATION: The Many Creative Ways We Can Bring Meditation into Our Lives
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
In this episode, Mayume n' Manjeet talk about MEDITATION. They share what they do as a meditation practice and what that looks like for them... there is no right or wrong way to meditate, it's all about finding a way to quiet your mind or connecting with your body, or connecting with nature, or connecting with someone else. First, breathing is one of the best ways to get started. Allow yourself :60 (set a timer) and just breathe long and deeply. Then there's Music! It is one of the best ways to get into a meditative state as well and feels oh so good. Playing an instrument, singing, dancing, walking, hiking, journaling, cooking, doing the dishes... all ways to be mindful. The ladies want you listeners to know that monkey mind is real, but if we remove the expectation of what "meditation" really is and just find time to get centered, breathe, relax our shoulders, visualize peace and in whatever form that resonates, we're going to be just fine. This will benefit your mind, body and soul....Try the many ways they mention here and see which one(s) works for you! And if you already have a meditation practice that you love, feel free to share it! They want to hear from you!
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review and send M&M a note on their instagram page! @mayumenmaneet
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Show 104: The Different Ways Spirit Wants to Connect with You!
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
It's important to realize that each and every one of us are born with the same magical gifts... we are all intuitive spiritual beings and we are capable of receiving the messages Spirit sends us through our intuition. Spirit wants to communicate with us. Spirit, aka: Source, The Universe, Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Animal Totems, Goddesses, Deities and Departed Loved Ones... want to help us on our soul journey. We must start with realizing that each of us interpret information based on our experiences and certain symbols may have different meanings to different people. Notice how one person suddenly smells cigarette smoke and the thought of their loving father arises... where as for another it may trigger a traumatic fire from their childhood. In this episode, M&M discuss the many ways Spirit will send us messages, how we can validate what we are receiving and most importantly to have fun along the way as Spirit can be extremely creative! How will you connect with Spirit?
Don't forget to Subscribe, Rate and Review and be sure to PREORDER their NEW Lightworkers, Unite Oracle Deck at https://linktr.ee/lightworkersunite
Annnnd follow the ladies on Instagram!! @mayumenmanjeet
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Show 103: NEW!! Lightworkers Unite Oracle Deck for you!
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Ok Lightworker, Mayume and Manjeet have something special they want to share with their listeners! The ladies have a brand new baby! That's right, their special magical creation of collaboration: A BRAND NEW Lightworkers Unite Oracle Deck! Weeks in the making, they are now ready and are taking PRE-ORDERS as they have a limited supply available. So... who wants one?! A beautifully designed collection of words and images to help you on your journey: 5 Archangels, the 4 elements, a Balance, Creativity and Shadow series all within the intentional 44 card deck. But what makes this Oracle Deck unique compared to all the others out there? M&M added a customized purposefully designed Self Discover Guide book to help you personally bond and connect with each card. As opposed to a guidebook that tells you the meaning and message (which can be limiting or discouraging), this type of Lightworkers Guidebook allows you to really take in each card and find your own meaning; the colors, the numbers, any related memories that come forth for you as you connect with the image... all your own. That's what makes this Oracle deck so special, for you, Lightworker, get to tap into Spirit, listen to your intuition and journal about each card in a way that makes the Lightworkers Unite Oracle Deck truly your own. You will soon be ready to connect and receive accurate messages of guidance, healing, and support for your journey and evolution as a Lightworker.
Pre-order now by clicking on their special Link Tree link below or you can go to their Instagram page: Lightworkers Unite, @mayumenmanjeet and click on the same link in their bio.
Please subscribe, share, rate and review!!
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Show 102: Regret. How has it affected your journey...?
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Hello Lightworkers! Do you have any regrets? Was there someone or something in your life you were supposed to do, to be, or to be with? A decision, choice, path or road you ended up taking that you now reflect on and wish you had taken the other? And if so, how is that regret impacting your life today? How do you handle that feeling of regret that can sometimes move into shame...? Well, Mayume and Manjeet take a look at their own lives and share with their listeners personal stories and experiences surrounding the choices they've made and how those have shaken out. Question is, is it all divine? Is there a divine hand at play that guides us in our choices? Or do we truly have free will and the regrets that come are from our own doing...? Listen in and decide for yourself how you have handled your own regret(s), if any, and how we can come to terms with our decisions with acceptance and grace. Release any regretful emotions that don't serve you now.
Don't forget to Subscribe, rate, review and share us with another Lightworker!
Instagram: @mayumenmanjeet
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Show 101: Manifesting, Bio Energy, Being Sick and Having the Blues
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Episode 101 is jam-packed with the ladies sharing their holiday's ups and downs... how they came from feeling down to feeling back on top physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually. From Mayume's 7 day solitary sickness to her high vibe Manifesting Workshop with 20 women... and Manjeet's holiday blues to spending a weekend with her Bestie and getting a Bio Energy treatment... The Universe, Mercury Retrograde, the Full Moon in Capricorn... all the things that can make shift happen, take us on a ride and bring us back in alignment once again.
Be sure to have a listen, subscribe, rate and review! and send Mayume and Manjeet the topic you'd like them to discuss on air!