Join Mayume, Intuitive Spiritual Medium and Manjeet, Intuitive Life Coach, as they liven up the air with some powerful topics and enlightening conversations! They unite those who use their intuition as a guide in their everyday life by sharing personal stories, strategies, tips and tools for all who want to better connect with the Universe and one another …They believe “there’s a Lightworker within all of us.” So listen in on the laughter as they bring all of us together on this spiritual journey. Lightworkers, UNITE. #mayumenmanjeet

Monday Jul 15, 2024
Show 136: Connecting with SUN ENERGY!
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
In this Show Mayume n' Manjeet discuss our maginificent and powerful SUN! The Sun's energy, it's codes and the balance it brings alongside his sister, the Moon. Listen in as they share stories, insight and provide some fun tools and tips on how you, Lightworker, can utilize and connect with the beautiful SUN ENERGY!
Check out Lightworkers Unite the Show on Youtube as well as subscribe, rate and review! @mayumenmanjeet and https://www.youtube.com/@lightworkersunitepodcast

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Show 135: Imposter Syndrome......
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
In this show, Mayume n' Manjeet take a quick look at the term, Imposter Syndrome. This is something that, unfortunately, has been equated with business women (not to say it doesn't happen with men) but isn't it interesting that it's mostly women who find themselves feeling insecure, unconfident, and afraid that others will think they're a fraud. Tune in as Mayume n' Manjeet chat it up and share their own insight and experience with this and provide you with some tools, techniques and ways you can overcome feelings of Imposter Syndrome.
Listen wherever you get your podcasts! AND go WATCH Mayume n' Manjeet's on their YouTube channel! link below!

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Show 134: It's the Summer Solstice! What Does it Mean?
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Hello Lightworkers! Guess what? The Summer Solstice is right around the corner! Join Mayume n' Manjeet as they discuss the meaning of the word: Solctice, what happens to the sun during the solstice and what you can do to acknowledge, honor and celebrate this longest day of the year! Another fun conversation surrounding life as a Lightworker and how you, too, can co-create with Spirit and live your best life.
Subscribe, Rate and Review! and head on over to YouTube to WATCH Mayume n' Manjeet there as well! They would love to hear from you!
@lightworkersunite, @mayumenmanjeet

Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Show 133: Beauty...What Actually Defines Beauty
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Hello Beautiful Lightworker! Welcome to the show! Let's dive in... How do you define Beauty? What is beauty to you? Mayume n' Manjeet believe that beauty is everywhere and within all of us. Where in your life do you experience beauty? Perhaps it isn't what we see, but what we feel... Take a moment to acknowledge someone for the beautiful thing that they said, or did or represented. It's more than "You look beautiful today..." Let's truly take the time and recognize and honor the beauty that may show up in words, actions, and attitude. We are all beautiful spiritual beings having a beautiful human experience. We hope that you'll take a moment to listen or watch Mayume n' Manjeet share stories, insights and all the things they consider Beauty.
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review! Watch us now on YouTube! @lightworkersunite and @mayumenmanjeet on Instagram!

Thursday May 23, 2024
Show 132: How Do You Recharge, Refresh--Retreat!?
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
What is it that you look for in a Women's Retreat?? Are you looking for beach, books and relaxation? Or mountains, creativity and connection? Join Mayume n' Manjeet as they discuss what they need to recharge and refresh and all the different kinds of retreats out there for women. There's talk of having a Lightworkers Unite Womens Retreat and the ladies would like your input!! Are you looking for yoga, meditation, hiking, art therapy or is it more nutritious meals, journaling, wine and shopping?! Share your highlights, tips and desires by commenting below! They ladies would love to hear from you!
Don't forget to Subscribe, rate and review so you can receive the latest show info! And be sure to follow them on YouTube @lightworkersunite and Instagram @mayumenmanjeet

Tuesday May 14, 2024
Show 131: A Spring Card Reading: Pick 1, 2, 3 or 4!
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Mayume n' Manjeet are back in the swing of things and are starting this week off with a Spring Card Pull from their very own Lightworkers Unite Oracle Deck! Yes, that's right, if you didn't know, they created and published their very own Oracle Cards! Now, sit quietly, breathe and say, "Thank you angels for revealing to me what it is I need to know..." Then pick your number, 1, 2, 3, or 4... Remember you can always pick more than one number and if the other messages resonate with you, then take it. It's yours. Spirit always knows what you need to hear.
Check out Mayume n' Manjeet's instagram page for updates, promotions and photos of these cards from this episode! @mayumenmanjeet
And also, you can now watch Mayume n' Manjeet on their YouTube Channel as they now offer video podcasts! So, if you enjoyed listening to them, now you can watch them! @lightworkersunite
Don't forget to Subscribe so you get all the updates and also rate and review this episode if it resonates with you!

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Show 130: Healing the Ancestral Mother Lines
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Mayume n' Manjeet come together for a super charged discussion and acknowledge the upcoming Mothers Day and Motherhood in all its forms... Whether you do/don't have a relationship with your mother, or may or may not be a mother yourself, this episode will still have meaning and lots of information on the healing of our ancestral mother lines. The ladies share stories, experiences and embrace the massive healing that has taken place in their own lives... with their mothers, their mother's mother, and so on, and so on... a very powerful show for all women. Even you men out there, tune in! It's time to take a look and acknowledge what our ancestors what us to know... heal your mother lines.
Be sure to follow Mayume n' Manjeet on Instagram @mayumenmanjeet, on YouTube @lightworkersunite as well as their individual websites and offerings.